Breach Of Trust Claims Lawyers

Construction projects function like pyramids. The owner of the property pays a contractor to provide improvements, while that contractor in turn pays subcontractors to provide work and materials. As a result, there are several “levels” to that construction law pyramid. The Construction Lien Act in Ontario establishes a scheme designed to protect each level against nonpayment.

Each level in the pyramid is required to hold funds received for the level below in trust. Once full payment has been made, the trust is discharged. Using the funds for a different purpose generally gives rise to an action for breach of trust. Because this simple concept can actually become complex in practice, participants require experienced legal counsel to execute a claim.

Experienced Counsel For Builders And Developers

Belsito Law, with lawyers who have an extensive history practicing construction law in Richmond Hill, has the required experience to represent client interests. Senior lawyer Richard Belsito was a downtown Toronto litigator for 30 years before relocating his practice north. In addition to our work for builders, developers, trades and owners in construction matters, we have a comprehensive civil litigation practice.

Representing clients in breach of trust claims, our counsel review all elements of the proposed action with our clients and establish the best method of resolution. Our goal is to explore all possible routes to a positive result, which may also include enforcement of lien rights and other legal options.

Contact Belsito Law

A successful claim for breach of trust requires lawyers with an understanding of the complexities of construction litigation.

To schedule a consultation with Belsito Law, call 905-762-1511.